\name{merge} \alias{merge,flowObj} \alias{merge} \alias{merge,flowObj,metric} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Merge clusters in flow cytometry data } \description{ Merge the clusters in a flowClust solution using the cluster merging algorithm and entropy criterion. } \usage{ merge(x,y,...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{x}{ A \code{flowObj} object created from a \code{flowClust} object and a \code{flowFrame} using the \code{flowObj} constructor. } \item{y}{missing} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments. i.e. \code{metric="entropy"|"mahalanobis"}} } \details{ Run the cluster merging algorithm on the max BIC solution from a call to \code{flowClust}. The optional argument, \code{metric} specifies the measure used for clustering. Either "mahalanobis" or "entropy". Defaults to "entropy". } \value{ A list of unnamed \code{flowMerge} objects. The first element of the list corresponds to the 1--cluster merged solution. The second element corresponds to the 2--cluster merged solution, and so on. } \references{ Finak G, Bashasharti A, Brinkmann R, Gottardo R. Merging Mixture Model Components for Improved Cell Population Identification in High Throughput Flow Cytometry Data (Submitted)} \author{ Greg Finak \email{} } \seealso{ \link[flowClust]{flowClust},\link{flowObj} } \examples{ #data(rituximab) #data(RituximabFlowClustFit) #o<-flowObj(flowClust.res[[which.max(BIC(flowClust.res))]],rituximab) #m<-merge(o); } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{ misc }