\name{flowObj} \alias{flowObj} \title{ Create a flowObj object from a flowClust and flowFrame object} \description{ Convenience method that creates a \code{flowObj} object from a \code{flowClust} and \code{flowFrame} object, so as to group the model and data together. Useful for high-throughput analysis where one may want to access the data to compute other statistics. } \usage{ flowObj(flowC = NULL, flowF = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{flowC}{ A \code{flowClust} object representing the model fit } \item{flowF}{ A \code{flowFrame} object on which the flowClust model is based. } } \details{ Calls the \code{new("flowObj",..)} constructor. } \value{ An object of class \code{flowObj-class} } \references{ Finak G, Bashasharti A, Brinkmann R, Gottardo R. Merging Mixture Model Components for Improved Cell Population Identification in High Throughput Flow Cytometry Data; Advances in Bioinformatics (To Appear)} \author{ Greg Finak \email{}, Raphael Gottardo \email{} } \seealso{ \link{flowObj-class} } \examples{ #data(rituximab) #data(RituximabFlowClustFit) #o<-flowObj(flowClust.res[[which.max(flowMerge:::BIC(flowClust.res))]],rituximab); #m<-merge(o); } \keyword{misc}