\name{flowClust.res} \alias{flowClust.res} \alias{RituximabFlowClustFit} \docType{data} \title{ A flowClust model fitted to the rituximab data for 1:10 clusters.} \description{ The Rituximab data set accessible via \code{data(rituximab)} in the \code{flowClust} package fitted to a flowClust model containing from one to ten components. The results are in the object \code{flowClust.res}. } \usage{data(RituximabFlowClustFit)} \format{ The format is: \code{flowClust.res} is a \code{flowClustList}, where each element of the list is a \code{flowClust} model of the \code{rituximab} data, for \code{K=1} through \code{K=10} components, respectively. The structure of \code{flowClustList} and \code{flowClust} can be found in the corresponding documentation of the \code{flowClust} package. The format of the \code{rituximab} data is found in the documentation for that data set. } \details{ The models have been precomputed for use in \code{flowMerge} examples to save computation time. \code{flowClust} was called on the rituximab data to generate these models with the following command: \code{flowClust.res<-flowClust(rituximab,K=1:10,B=1000,B.init=100,tol=1e-5,tol.init=1e-2,nu=4,randomStart=50,trans=1,nu.est=1)}. } \source{ Gasparetto, M., Gentry, T., Sebti, S., O'Bryan, E., Nimmanapalli, R., Blaskovich, M. A., Bhalla, K., Rizzieri, D., Haaland, P., Dunne, J. and Smith, C. (2004) Identification of compounds that enhance the anti-lymphoma activity of rituximab using flow cytometric high-content screening. \emph{J. Immunol. Methods} \bold{292}, 59-71.} %\references{ %} \examples{ #data(RituximabFlowClustFit) #summary(flowClust.res); } \keyword{datasets}