\name{simplifyGateNames} \alias{simplifyGateNames} \alias{simplifyGateNames,character-method} \alias{simplifyGateNames,filter-method} \title{ Standardize flow cytometry gate names } \description{ This function helps to standardize typical flow cytometry cell population names. This is useful when trying to combine the results from a large number of flow runs wherein the cytometrist may have used slightly different nomenclature to describe the same set of cells. For example, "Lymphocytes" vs. "lymphoctes". } \usage{ simplifyGateNames(x, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ Logical. Default=FALSE. A flowCore style filter, or a text string with a gate (filter) name } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments: \emph{upperCaseGates} Logical. Default=FALSE. If TRUE, convert the gate names to all upper case \cr \emph{stripFileName} Logical. Default=TRUE. It is currently the convention that the flowFlowJo code prepends the name of the referenced FCS file within the gate name, followed by a colon, then the rest of the gate information. This setting looks for ".*\\.fcs:" and strips it out of the gate name \cr \emph{removeParentalNames} Logical. Default=TRUE. The current \emph{getFlowJoGates} method concatenates a gate's name with the name of all of it's parents. \cr } } \value{ This function returns either a text string or flowCore style filter object. } \author{ John Gosink } \examples{ simplifyGateNames(c("LymphoCytes", "lymphocytes", "mOnOcYtEs")); simplifyGateNames(c("Lymphocytes:CD8+"), removeParentalNames=TRUE); simplifyGateNames("CD34 positive cells ") simplifyGateNames("CD34 + ") } \keyword{methods} \keyword{list}