\name{flowFPPlex-class} \docType{class} \alias{flowFPPlex-class} \title{Fingerprint collection class description.} \description{This class holds a collection of \link{flowFP}s.} \section{Objects from the Class}{ Objects should be created by calling the constructor function \link{flowFPPlex}. } \section{Slots}{ \describe{ \item{\code{fingerprints}:}{Holds a list of flowFP objects.} } } \section{Methods}{ \describe{ \item{counts}{Concatenates all of the counts for all of the fingerprints in the set.} \item{length}{returns the number of fingerprints in the set.} \item{nInstances}{returns the number of flowFrames used to create this fingerprint.} \item{nFeatures}{returns the total number of features from the collection of fingerprints.} } } \author{ Herb Holyst <\email{holyst@mail.med.upenn.edu}>, Wade Rogers <\email{rogersw@mail.med.upenn.edu}> } \seealso{ \link{flowFPPlex} - Constructor. } \examples{ showClass("flowFPPlex") } \keyword{classes}