\name{contrasts} \alias{contrastTest} \alias{par2lambda} \title{Construct appropriate lambda matrix and test linear contrasts of the parameter estimates from a linear model.} \description{ 'par2lambda' takes list of lm coefficient names and a corresponding list of numeric vectors corresponding to hypothesis tests of linear contrasts and returns a lambda matrix suitable for an F-test of the linear contrasts. 'par2lambda' is intended to be used in conjunction with 'contrastTest' or 'findFC'. 'contrastTest' performs an F test for simultaneous tests of linear contrasts using an appropriately specified lambda matrix and an lm object. } \usage{ par2lambda(betaNames, betas, coefs) contrastTest(model, lambda, cVec = NA, p = 0.01) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{betaNames}{A character vector of the names of the coefficients in a linear model.} \item{betas}{A list of vectors of the parameters to be used in the contrasts.} \item{coefs}{A list of vectors of numeric coefficients corresponding to betas.} \item{model}{An lm object.} \item{lambda}{A matrix of coefficients in the appropriate order to be multiplied by the estimated coefficients of the lm object, possibly returned from 'par2lambda'.} \item{cVec}{A vector of constants for testing that the linear contrasts equal something other than zero. If this is unspecified, it is assumed to be zero.} \item{p}{The significance level at which to perform the contrast test.} } %\details{ % ~~ If necessary, more details than the __description__ above ~~ %} \value{ For \code{par2lambda}: A lambda matrix constructed for testing linear contrasts using lm output. For \code{contrastTest}: \item{test }{Returns "REJECT" or "FAIL TO REJECT" based on the result of the test of hypothesis.} \item{Fstat}{The F statistic for the test of contrast.} \item{pvalue}{The corresponding pvalue for the F test.} \item{cEst}{The contrast estimate.} } %\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ } \author{Denise Scholtens} %\note{ ~~further notes~~ } % ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~ \seealso{\code{\link{lm}}} \examples{ data(estrogen) ES <- pData(estrogen)[["ES"]] TIME <- pData(estrogen)[["TIME"]] fit <- lm(exprs(estrogen)["40079_at",] ~ ES + TIME + ES*TIME) betaNames <- names(coef(fit)) betas <- list(c("ESP"),c("ESP","ESP:TIME48h")) coefs <- list(c(1),c(1,1)) lambda <- par2lambda(betaNames,betas,coefs) contrastTest(fit,lambda) } \keyword{models} \keyword{design} \keyword{htest}