\name{zscoreNBinom} \alias{zscoreNBinom} \title{Z-score Equivalents of Negative Binomial Deviate} \description{ Compute z-score equivalents of negative binomial random deviates. } \usage{ zscoreNBinom(q, size, mu) } \arguments{ \item{q}{numeric vector or matrix giving negative binomial random values.} \item{size}{negative binomial size parameter (>0).} \item{mu}{mean of negative binomial distribution (>0).} } \value{ Numeric vector or matrix giving equivalent deviates from a standard normal distribution. } \details{ This function computes the mid-p value of \code{q}, then converts to the standard normal deviate with the same cumulative probability distribution value. Care is taken to do the computations accurately in both tails of the distributions. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \code{\link{pnbinom}}, \code{\link{qnorm}} in the stats package. } \examples{ zscoreNBinom(c(0,10,100), mu=10, size=1/10) } \keyword{distribution}