\name{movingAverageByCol} \alias{movingAverageByCol} \alias{movingAverageByCol} \title{Moving Average Smoother of Matrix Columns} \description{ Apply a moving average smoother to the columns of a matrix. } \usage{ movingAverageByCol(x, width=5, full.length=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{numeric matrix} \item{width}{integer, width of window of rows to be averaged} \item{full.length}{logical value, should output have same number of rows as input?} } \details{ If \code{full.length=TRUE}, narrower windows are used at the start and end of each column to make a column of the same length as input. If \code{FALSE}, all values are averager of \code{width} input values, so the number of rows is less than input. } \value{ Numeric matrix containing smoothed values. If \code{full.length=TRUE}, of same dimension as \code{x}. If \code{full.length=FALSE}, has \code{width-1} fewer rows than \code{x}. } \examples{ x <- matrix(rpois(20,lambda=5),10,2) movingAverageByCol(x,3) } \author{Gordon Smyth} \keyword{smooth}