\name{getCounts} \alias{getCounts} \alias{getOffset} \alias{getDispersion} \title{Extract Specified Component of a DGEList Object} \usage{ getCounts(y) getOffset(y) getDispersion(y) } \arguments{ \item{y}{\code{DGEList} object containing (at least) the elements \code{counts} (table of raw counts), \code{group} (factor indicating group) and \code{lib.size} (numeric vector of library sizes)} } \description{ \code{getCounts(y)} returns the matrix of read counts \code{y$counts}. \code{getOffset(y)} returns offsets for the log-linear predictor account for sequencing depth and possibly other normalization factors. Specifically it returns the matrix \code{y$offset} if it is non-null, otherwise it returns the log product of \code{lib.size} and \code{norm.factors} from \code{y$samples}. \code{getDispersion(y)} returns the most complex dispersion estimates (common, trended or tagwise) found in \code{y}. } \value{\code{getCounts} returns the matrix of counts. \code{getOffset} returns a numeric matrix or vector. \code{getDispersion} returns vector of dispersion values. } \author{Mark Robinson, Davis McCarthy, Gordon Smyth} \examples{ # generate raw counts from NB, create list object y <- matrix(rnbinom(20,size=5,mu=10),5,4) d <- DGEList(counts=y, group=c(1,1,2,2), lib.size=1001:1004) getCounts(d) getOffset(d) d <- estimateCommonDisp(d) getDispersion(d) } \seealso{\code{\link[edgeR:DGEList-class]{DGEList-class}}}