\name{as.matrix} \alias{as.matrix.DGEList} \title{Turn a DGEList Object into a Matrix} \description{ Turn a digital gene expression object into a numeric matrix by extracting the count values. } \usage{ \method{as.matrix}{DGEList}(x,\dots) } \arguments{ \item{x}{an object of class \code{DGEList}.} \item{\dots}{additional arguments, not used for these methods.} } \details{ This method extracts the matrix of counts. This involves loss of information, so the original data object is not recoverable. } \value{ A numeric matrix. } \author{Gordon Smyth} \seealso{ \code{\link{as.matrix}} in the base package or \code{\link[limma]{as.matrix.RGList}} in the limma package. } \keyword{array}