\name{DGELRT-class} \docType{class} \alias{DGELRT-class} \alias{show,DGELRT-method} \title{Digital Gene Expression Likelihood Ratio Test data and results - class} \description{ A simple list-based class for storing results of a GLM-based differential expression analysis for DGE data, with evidence for differential expression assessed using a likelihood ratio test. } \section{Slots/List Components}{ Objects of this class contain the following list components: \code{table}: data frame containing the log-concentration (i.e. expression level), the log-fold change in expression between the two groups/conditions and the exact p-value for differential expression, for each tag. \code{coefficients.full}: matrix containing the coefficients computed from fitting the full model (fit using \code{glmFit} and a given design matrix) to each gene/tag in the dataset. \code{coefficients.null}: matrix containing the coefficients computed from fitting the null model to each gene/tag in the dataset. The null model is the model to which the full model is compared, and is fit using \code{glmFit} and dropping selected column(s) (i.e. coefficient(s)) from the design matrix for the full model. \code{design}: design matrix for the full model from the likelihood ratio test. \code{...}: if the argument \code{y} to \code{glmLRT} (which produces the \code{DGELRT} object) was itself a \code{DGEList} object, then the \code{DGELRT} will contain all of the elements of \code{y}, except for the table of counts and the table of pseudocounts. } \section{Methods}{ This class inherits directly from class \code{list} so any operation appropriate for lists will work on objects of this class. \code{DGELRT} objects also have a \code{show} method. } \author{Davis McCarthy} \keyword{classes}