\name{easyRNASeq de-novo annotation methods} \alias{findIslands} \title{Identify expressed regions de-novo} \description{ Process the coverage to locate regions with a minimum coverage (min.cov). If regions are separated by a gap shorter than a maximum length (max.gap), they are unified. Only islands longer than min.length are returned. These functions are now outdated and would need to be actualized. } \usage{ findIslands(obj,max.gap=integer(1),min.cov=1L,min.length=integer(1),plot=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{An object of class \code{RNAseq}} \item{max.gap}{Maximum gap between two peaks to build an island} \item{min.cov}{Minimum coverage for an island to be returned} \item{min.length}{Minimum size of an island to be returned} \item{plot}{If TRUE, draw plots of coverage distribution. Help the user to select an appropriate value for the minimum coverage.} \item{\dots}{See details} } \details{ \dots are for providing additional options to the \code{\link[graphics:hist]{hist}} plot function. } \value{ An \code{RNAseq} object with the readIsland slot set with a RangedData containing the selected islands and the readCount slot actualized with a list containing the count table per island. } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## NOTE that this function might need to be actualized obj <- new('RNAseq', organismName="Dmelanogaster", readLength=36L, chrSize=as.list(seqlengths(Dmelanogaster)) ) obj <- fetchCoverage( obj, format="bam", filename=system.file( "extdata", "ACACTG.bam", package="RnaSeqTutorial") ) obj <- findIslands( obj, max.gap=10L, min.cov=10L, min.length=200L) } } \author{Nicolas Delhomme} \keyword{connection} \keyword{data} \keyword{methods}