\name{easyRNASeq internal methods} \alias{.catn} \alias{.checkArguments} \alias{.convertToUCSC} \alias{.doBasicCount} \alias{.extendCountList} \alias{.extractIRangesList} \alias{.getArguments} \alias{.getName} \alias{.normalizationDispatcher} \alias{reduce} \alias{reduce,RNAseq-method} \alias{strand} \alias{strand,RNAseq-method} \alias{strand<-} \alias{strand<-,RNAseq-method} \title{Internal methods of RNAseq objects} \description{ These are generic internal methods: \itemize{ \item{.catn} Just some pretty printing. \item{.checkArguments} check that the provided argument match one of the formal definition of the function. Stop if not. \item{.convertToUCSC} convert chromosome names to UCSC compliant ones. \item{.doBasicCount} A function to calculate the counts for 'exons' or 'features' \item{.extendCountList} extend or create the result count list of lists. \item{.extractIRangesList} extract an IRanges object from an AlignedRead or a GappedAlignments object or a list returned by reading a bam file with Rsamtools. \item{.getArguments} For a given function returns the arguments passed as part of the \dots that match that function formals. \item{.getName} Get the genomicAnnotation object names. Necessary to deal with the different possible annotation object: \code{RangedData} or \code{GRangesList}. \item{.normalizationDispatcher} a function to dispatch the normalization depending on the 'outputFormat' chosen by the user. \item{reduce} Allow proper dispatch between the \link[intervals:Intervals_virtual-class]{intervals} and the \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GenomicRanges} reduce function \item{strand} Allow proper dispatch between the \link[genomeIntervals:Genome_intervals_stranded-class]{genomeIntervals} and the \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GenomicRanges} strand function \item{strand<-} Allow proper dispatch between the \link[genomeIntervals:Genome_intervals_stranded-class]{genomeIntervals} and the \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GenomicRanges} strand replace function } } \usage{ .catn(...) .checkArguments(fun,arg,value) .convertedChrNames <- convertToUCSC(chr.names,organism,chr.map) .counts <- doBasicCount(obj) .countList <- extendCountList(cList, values, type = c("exons", "transcripts", "genes", "islands"), subType = character(1),filename=character(1)) i.range <- .extractIRangesList(aln,chr.sel=c()) i.range <- .extractIRangesList(bam,chr.sel=c()) i.range <- .extractIRangesList(gapped,chr.sel=c()) argString <- .getArguments(fun,...) names <- .getName(obj) normalized.counts <- .normalizationDispatcher(obj,type=c("DESeq","edgeR","RPKM","RNAseq"),silent=FALSE,plot=TRUE,...) } \arguments{ \item{aln}{A ShortRead AlignedRead object.} \item{arg}{The argument name to check for.} \item{bam}{A list as returned by the Rsamtools scanBam function.} \item{chr.map}{An optional parameter to provide the actual mappiung between the original and desired chromosome names. Only works with the 'organism' parameter set to the "custom" value. } \item{chr.names}{The chromosome names, as a character vector, to be converted to UCSC ones} \item{chr.sel}{A list of chromosome to restrict the IRanges spaces returned.} \item{cList}{list of lists that contain count results} \item{fun}{The name of the function} \item{gapped}{An object of the \link[GenomicRanges:GappedAlignments-class]{GappedAlignments} kind.} \item{obj}{An RNAseq object, or for the 'normalizationDispatcher', depending on the type: a CountDataSet, a DGEList, a matrix, or an RNAseq object respectively} \item{organism}{The organism name} \item{plot}{The organism used to lookup UCSC chromosome names} \item{silent}{a boolean to decide whether or not to plot information} \item{silent}{a boolean to decide whether or not to print progress information} \item{subType}{character string defining a sub type of counts, i.e. for the gene type one of bestExon or geneModel} \item{type}{character string specifying the type of count ("exons", "transcripts", "genes" or islands) or the type of object (normalizationDispatcher)} \item{value}{the appropriate strand object (strand and strand<-) or the provided argument value (checkArguments)} \item{values}{a named vector containing count results} \item{x}{an object of the \link[GenomicRanges:GRanges-class]{GenomicRanges}, \link[intervals:Intervals_virtual-class]{intervals} or \link[genomeIntervals:Genome_intervals_stranded-class]{genomeIntervals} package} \item{\dots}{For \code{getArguments} a list of named parameters to be matched against a function formal definition. For \code{catn}, the values to be printed.} } \value{ \item{argString}{a character string representing these arguments and their value that matched those defined in the formal definition of the function} \item{convertedChrNames}{a converted vector of chromosome names} \item{counts}{an RleList} \item{countList}{an updated list of lists that contain count results} \item{i.range}{an IRange object} \item{names}{The annotation names, i.e. a combination of exon, feature, transcript and gene} \item{normalized.counts}{Depending on the type, a CountDataSet, a DGEList, a NumericList, or NULL respectively} } \author{Nicolas Delhomme} \keyword{internal}