\name{easyRNASeq annotation internal methods} \alias{.getBmRange} \alias{.getGffRange} \alias{.getGtfRange} \alias{.geneModelAnnotation} \alias{.readGffGtf} \title{Internal easyRNASeq annotation methods} \description{ These are internal methods used to retrieve annotations tabular{ll}{ \code{.getBmRange}{Use \code{\link[biomaRt:useMart]{biomaRt}} to get exon annotations.} \code{.getGffRange}{Use \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} to get annotation from a gff file.} \code{.getGtfRange}{Use \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} to get annotation from a gtf file.} \code{.geneModelAnnotation}{Use the provided exon annotation to define gene models.} \code{.readGffGtf}{Use \code{\linkS4class{Genome_intervals_stranded}} to get annotation from a gff or gtf file. It is called from \code{getGffRange}{} and \code{getGtfRange}.} } } \usage{ .getBmRange(organism=character(1),...) .getGffRange(organism=character(1),filename=filename,ignoreWarnings = FALSE,...) .getGtfRange(organism=character(1),filename=filename,ignoreWarnings = FALSE,...) .geneModelAnnotation(gAnnot,nbCore=1) .readGffGtf(filename=filename,annotation.type=c("exon"),ignoreWarnings = FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{annotation.type}{describes the kind of annotation to keep the information from in a gtf or gff file. If set to NULL all the annotations are returned.} \item{organism}{Organism name} \item{gAnnot}{a \code{\linkS4class{RangedData}} object containing exon annotations} \item{nbCore}{number of CPU cores to use} \item{filename}{filename that contains the annotations} \item{\dots}{Additional arguments, passed to more internal functions.} } \value{ A \code{\linkS4class{RangedData}} containing the loaded or processed annotations. } \details{ To use multicore machines more efficiently, the default parallel package will be used to parallelize the processing. } \author{Nicolas Delhomme} \keyword{internal}