\name{DESeq edgeR common methods} \alias{plotDispersionEstimates} \alias{plotDispersionEstimates,CountDataSet-method} \alias{plotDispersionEstimates,DGEList-method} \title{DESeq and edgeR common methods} \description{ \code{plotDispersionEstimates(obj,...)} extends the \pkg{DESeq} and \pkg{edgeR} packages by offering the functionality to plot the dispersion estimate as described in their respective vignettes: \code{\linkS4class{CountDataSet}{DESeq}} and \code{\link[edgeR:edgeR-package]{edgeR}}. } \usage{ plotDispersionEstimates(obj,...) } \arguments{ \item{obj}{An object of class \code{\linkS4class{CountDataSet}} or of class \code{\linkS4class{DGEList}}} \item{\dots}{See details} } \details{ \itemize{ \item{\code{\linkS4class{CountDataSet}{DESeq}}} A character string describing the first condition, to be provided as cond=value \item{\code{\link[edgeR:edgeR-package]{edgeR}}} Unused, just for compatibility. } } \value{ none } \examples{ \dontrun{ ## edgeR ## create the object dgeList <- DGEList(counts,group) ## calculate the sie factors dgeList <- calcNormFactors(dgeList) ## plot them apply(combn(rownames(dgeList$samples),2), 2, function(co,obj){plotNormalizationFactors(obj,co[1],co[2])},dgeList) ## the dispersion estimates plotDispersionEstimates(obj) ## DESeq ## these are helper function for the DESeq package ## refer to its vignette first cds <- newCountDataSet(countData,conditions) cds <- estimateSizeFactors(cds) cds <- estimateDispersions(cds) plotDispersionEstimates(cds,conditions[1]) } } \author{Nicolas Delhomme} \keyword{methods}