\name{readCufflinks} \alias{readCufflinks} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ readCufflinks } \description{ This initializes the backend SQLite table and provides a DB connection for all downstream data analysis. } \usage{ readCufflinks(dir = getwd(), dbFile = "cuffData.db", geneFPKM = "genes.fpkm_tracking", geneDiff = "gene_exp.diff", isoformFPKM = "isoforms.fpkm_tracking", isoformDiff = "isoform_exp.diff", TSSFPKM = "tss_groups.fpkm_tracking", TSSDiff = "tss_group_exp.diff", CDSFPKM = "cds.fpkm_tracking", CDSExpDiff = "cds_exp.diff", CDSDiff = "cds.diff", promoterFile = "promoters.diff", splicingFile = "splicing.diff", driver = "SQLite", rebuild = FALSE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{dir}{ Directory in which all CuffDiff output files can be located. Defaults to current working directory. } \item{dbFile}{ Name of backend database. Default is 'cuffData.db' } \item{geneFPKM}{ genes.fpkm_tracking file } \item{geneDiff}{ gene_exp.diff file } \item{isoformFPKM}{ isoforms.fpkm_tracking file } \item{isoformDiff}{ isoform_exp.diff file } \item{TSSFPKM}{ tss_groups.fpkm_tracking file } \item{TSSDiff}{ tss_group_exp.diff file } \item{CDSFPKM}{ cds.fpkm_tracking file } \item{CDSExpDiff}{ cds_exp.diff file } \item{CDSDiff}{ cds.diff file (distribution tests on CDS) } \item{promoterFile}{ promoters.diff file (distribution tests on promoters) } \item{splicingFile}{ splicing.diff (distribution tests on isoforms) } \item{driver}{ Driver for backend database. (Currently only "SQLite" is supported). } \item{rebuild}{ A logical argument to rebuild database backend. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to readCufflinks } } \details{ This is the initialization function for the cummeRbund package. It creates the SQLite backend database, populates the data, and provides a connection object for all future interactions with the dataset. Once the initial build is complete, this function will default to using the database for all future sessions. IMPORTANT: - Each R session should begin with a call to readCufflinks to re-open the connection to the database. - Should any connectivity issues to the database arise, another call to readCufflinks should create a new connection object and repair any issue. - The database can always be rebuild (using rebuild=TRUE) from the original CuffDiff output files. } \value{ A CuffSet object. A 'pointer' class that allows interaction with cufflinks/cuffdiff data via a SQLite database backend. } \references{ None. } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \note{ None. } \examples{ a<-readCufflinks(system.file("extdata", package="cummeRbund")) #Read cufflinks data in sample directory and creates CuffSet object 'a' }