\name{findSimilar} \alias{findSimilar} \alias{findSimilar,CuffSet-method} \title{ findSimilar } \description{ Returns a CuffGeneSet containing n genes with the most similar expression profiles to gene/profile x. } \usage{ \S4method{findSimilar}{CuffSet}(object, x, n) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ A object of class 'CuffSet' } \item{x}{ A 'gene_id' or 'gene_short_name' from which to look up an expression profile OR a vector of expression values to compare all genes (vector must have same length and order of 'samples') } \item{n}{ Number of similar genes to return } } \details{ By default, returns a CuffGeneSet object with n similar genes. This may change in the future. } \value{ A CuffGeneSet object of n most similar genes to x. } \references{ None } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \note{ None } \examples{ a<-readCufflinks(system.file("extdata", package="cummeRbund")) mySimilarGenes<-findSimilar(a,"PINK1",10) }