\name{expressionBarplot} \alias{expressionBarplot} \alias{expressionBarplot,CuffFeature-method} \alias{expressionBarplot,CuffFeatureSet-method} \title{ Barplot } \description{ A barplot of FPKM values with confidence intervals for a given gene, set of genes, or features of a gene (e.g. isoforms, TSS, CDS, etc). } \usage{ \S4method{expressionBarplot}{CuffFeatureSet}(object, logMode=TRUE, pseudocount=1.0, showErrorbars=TRUE, showStatus=TRUE, ...) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class ('CuffFeatureSet','CuffGeneSet','CuffFeature','CuffGene') } \item{logMode}{ A logical value whether or not to draw y-axis on log10 scale. Default = FALSE. } \item{pseudocount}{ Numerical value added to each FPKM during log-transformation to avoid errors. } \item{showErrorbars}{ A logical value whether or not to draw error bars. Default = TRUE } \item{showStatus}{ A logical value whether or not to draw visual queues for quantification status of a given gene:condition. Default = TRUE } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments. } } \details{ None } \value{ A ggplot2 plot object } \references{ None } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \note{ Need to implement logMode and features for this plotting method. } \examples{ data(sampleData) PINK1 # sample CuffFeature object expressionBarplot(PINK1) #Barplot of PINK1 FPKM values expressionBarplot(PINK1@isoforms) #Barplot of PINK1 FPKM values faceted by isoforms }