\name{csSpecificity} \alias{csSpecificity} \alias{csSpecificity,CuffFeatureSet-method} \alias{csSpecificity,CuffData-method} \title{ csSpecificity } \description{ Returns a matrix of 'Specificity scores' (S) defined as 1-JSD(p_g,q_i) where p_g is the Log10+1 expression profile of a gene g across all conditions j, collapsed into a probability distribution, and q_i is the unit vector of 'perfect expression' in a given condition i. } \usage{ \S4method{csSpecificity}{CuffFeatureSet}(object,logMode=T,pseudocount=1,relative=FALSE,...) \S4method{csSpecificity}{CuffData}(object,logMode=T,pseudocount=1,relative=FALSE,...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class CuffFeatureSet, CuffGeneSet, or CuffData. } \item{logMode}{ A logical argument to log10-transform FPKM values prior to plotting. } \item{pseudocount}{ Value to be added to FPKM for appropriate log transformation and clustering. (Avoids zero-based errors) } \item{relative}{ A logical argument that when TRUE, will scale the S values from 0-1 by dividing by max(S) } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to fpkmMatrix. } } \details{ None } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \source{ None } \references{ None. } \examples{ data(sampleData) csSpecificity(sampleGeneSet) } \keyword{datasets}