\name{csScatter} \alias{csScatter} \alias{csScatter,CuffData-method} \alias{csScatter,CuffFeatureSet-method} \title{ Scatter Plot } \description{ A scatter plot comparing the FPKM values from two samples in a cuffdiff run. } \usage{ \S4method{csScatter}{CuffData}(object, x, y, logMode=TRUE, pseudocount=1.0, labels, smooth=FALSE, colorByStatus = FALSE, drawRug=TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class ('CuffData','CuffFeatureSet') } \item{x}{ Sample name for x axis } \item{y}{ Sample name for y axis } \item{logMode}{ Logical argument to log2-transform data (default: T ) } \item{pseudocount}{ Value to add to zero FPKM values for log transformation (default: 0.0001) } \item{smooth}{ Logical argument to add a smooth-fit regression line } \item{labels}{ A list of tracking_ids or gene_short_names that will be 'callout' points in the plot for reference. Useful for finding genes of interest in the field. Not implemented yet. } \item{colorByStatus}{ A logical argument whether or not to color the points by 'significant' Y or N. [Default = FALSE] } \item{drawRug}{ A logical argument whether or not to draw the rug for x and y axes [Default = TRUE] } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to csScatter } } \details{ None } \value{ ggplot object with geom_point and geom_rug layers } \references{ None } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \note{ None } \examples{ a<-readCufflinks(system.file("extdata", package="cummeRbund")) #Create CuffSet object from sample data genes<-a@genes #Create CuffData object for all genes s<-csScatter(genes,'hESC','Fibroblasts',smooth=TRUE) #Create plot object s #render plot object }