\name{csHeatmap} \alias{csHeatmap} \alias{csHeatmap,CuffFeatureSet-method} \title{ csHeatmap } \description{ Creates a ggplot plot object with a geom_tile layer of FPKM values per feature and sample. } \usage{ \S4method{csHeatmap}{CuffFeatureSet}(object, rescaling='none', clustering='none', labCol=T, labRow=T, logMode=T, pseudocount=1.0, border=FALSE, heatscale= c(low='darkred',mid='orange',high='white'), heatMidpoint=NULL, fullnames = T, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{ An object of class 'CuffFeatureSet' or 'CuffGeneSet' } \item{rescaling}{ Rescaling can either be 'row' or 'column' OR you can pass rescale a function that operates on a matrix to do your own rescaling. Default is 'none'. } \item{clustering}{ Clustering can either be 'row','column','none', or 'both', in which case the appropriate indices are re-ordered based on the pairwise Jensen-Shannon distance of FPKM values. Alternatively you can pass your own clustering function so long as the returned value is a re-ordered matrix. } \item{labCol}{ A logical argument to display column labels. } \item{labRow}{ A logical argument to display row labels. } \item{logMode}{ A logical argument to log10-transform FPKM values prior to plotting. } \item{pseudocount}{ Value to be added to FPKM for appropriate log transformation and clustering. (Avoids zero-based errors) } \item{border}{ A logical argument to draw border around plot. } \item{heatscale}{ A list with min length=2, max length=3 that detail the low,mid,and high colors to build the color scale. } \item{heatMidpoint}{ Value for midpoint of color scale. } \item{fullnames}{ A logical value whether to use 'fullnames' (concatenated gene_short_name and gene_id) for rows in heatmap. Default [ TRUE ]. } \item{\dots}{ Additional arguments to csHeatmap } } \details{ None } \value{ A ggplot2 plot object with a geom_tile layer to display FPKM values by sample (x) and feature (y) } \references{ None. } \author{ Loyal A. Goff and Cole Trapnell } \note{ None } \examples{ data(sampleData) csHeatmap(sampleGeneSet) } \keyword{heatmap}