\name{csClusterPlot} \alias{csClusterPlot} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ csClusterPlot } \description{ Replaces the default plotting behavior of the old csCluster. Takes as an argument the output of csCluster and plots expression profiles of features facet by cluster. } \usage{ csClusterPlot(clustering, pseudocount=1.0,drawSummary=TRUE,sumFun=mean_cl_boot) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{clustering}{ The output of csCluster. (Must be the output of csCluster. Only this data format contains the necessary information for csClusterPlot.) } \item{pseudocount}{ Value added to FPKM to avoid log transformation issues. } \item{drawSummary}{ Logical value whether or not to draw a summary line for each cluster (by default this is the cluster mean) } \item{sumFun}{ Summary function used to by drawSummary (default: mean_cl_boot) } } \details{ This replaces the default plotting behavior of the old csCluster() method. This was necessary so as to preserve the cluster information obtained by csCluster in a stable format. The output of csClusterPlot is a ggplot2 object of expressionProfiles faceted by cluster ID. } \value{ A ggplot2 object of expressionProfiles faceted by cluster ID. } \references{ None. } \author{ Loyal A. Goff } \note{ None. } \examples{ data(sampleData) myClustering<-csCluster(sampleGeneSet,k=4) csClusterPlot(myClustering) }