\name{snprma} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{snprma} \alias{snprma2} \title{ Preprocessing tool for SNP arrays. } \description{ SNPRMA will preprocess SNP chips. The preprocessing consists of quantile normalization to a known target distribution and summarization to the SNP-Allele level. } \usage{ snprma(filenames, mixtureSampleSize = 10^5, fitMixture = FALSE, eps = 0.1, verbose = TRUE, seed = 1, cdfName, sns) snprma2(filenames, mixtureSampleSize = 10^5, fitMixture = FALSE, eps = 0.1, verbose = TRUE, seed = 1, cdfName, sns) } \arguments{ \item{filenames}{ 'character' vector with file names. } \item{mixtureSampleSize}{ Sample size to be use when fitting the mixture model. } \item{fitMixture}{ 'logical'. Fit the mixture model? } \item{eps}{ Stop criteria. } \item{verbose}{ 'logical'. } \item{seed}{ Seed to be used when sampling. } \item{cdfName}{ cdfName: 'GenomeWideSnp\_5', 'GenomeWideSnp\_6' } \item{sns}{ Sample names. } } \value{ \item{A}{Summarized intensities for Allele A} \item{B}{Summarized intensities for Allele B} \item{sns}{Sample names} \item{gns}{SNP names} \item{SNR}{Signal-to-noise ratio} \item{SKW}{Skewness} \item{mixtureParams}{Parameters from mixture model} \item{cdfName}{Name of the CDF} } \details{ 'snprma2' allows one to genotype very large datasets (via ff package) and also permits the use of clusters or multiple cores (via snow package) to speed up preprocessing. } \examples{ if (require(genomewidesnp6Crlmm) & require(hapmapsnp6) & require(oligoClasses)){ path <- system.file("celFiles", package="hapmapsnp6") ## the filenames with full path... ## very useful when genotyping samples not in the working directory cels <- list.celfiles(path, full.names=TRUE) snprmaOutput <- snprma(cels) snprmaOutput[["A"]][1:10,] snprmaOutput[["B"]][1:10,] } \dontrun{ ## HPC Example library(ff) library(snow) library(crlmm) ## genotype 50K SNPs at a time ocProbesets(50000) ## setup cluster - 8 cores on the machine setCluster(8, "SOCK") path <- system.file("celFiles", package="hapmapsnp6") cels <- list.celfiles(path, full.names=TRUE) snprmaOutput <- snprma2(cels) } } \keyword{manip} \keyword{classif}