\name{readIDAT} \alias{readIDAT} \alias{readIDAT} \title{Low-level function to read idat files} \description{ Reads intensity information for each bead type from a single .idat file from Infinium II platforms. This is a low-level function which \code{readIdatFiles} is a wrapper to} \usage{ readIDAT(idatFile) } \arguments{ \item{idatFile}{character string specifying idat file to be read in} } \details{ This function returns a list containing summarised intensities and other information extracted from a single .idat file. The \code{readIdatFiles} function makes use of \code{readIDAT} to read the paired Cy3 and Cy5 idats from one or more arrays. Thanks to Keith Baggerly who providing this code. } \value{ list which includes item \code{Quants} which contains average intensity (\code{Mean}), number of beads (\code{NBeads}) and a measure of variability (\code{SD}) for each bead type on the array. } \references{ Ritchie ME, Carvalho BS, Hetrick KN, Tavar\'{e} S, Irizarry RA. R/Bioconductor software for Illumina's Infinium whole-genome genotyping BeadChips. Bioinformatics. 2009 Oct 1;25(19):2621-3. } \author{Keith Baggerly, with modifications by Matt Ritchie} \examples{ #idatdata = readIDAT("4019585367_A_Grn.idat") #names(idatdata #idatdata$Quants[1:5,] } \keyword{IO}