\name{genotypeInf} \alias{genotypeInf} \title{ Genotyping of Illumina Infinium II arrays. } \description{ Genotyping of Illumina Infinium II arrays. This function provides CRLMM genotypes and confidence scores for the the polymorphic markers and is a required step prior to copy number estimation. } \usage{ genotypeInf(cnSet, mixtureParams, probs = rep(1/3, 3), SNRMin = 5, recallMin = 10, recallRegMin = 1000, verbose = TRUE, returnParams = TRUE, badSNP = 0.7, gender = NULL, DF = 6, cdfName) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{cnSet}{An object of class \code{CNSet}} \item{mixtureParams}{ \code{data.frame} containing mixture model parameters needed for genotyping. The mixture model parameters are estimated from the \code{preprocessInf} function. } \item{probs}{'numeric' vector with priors for AA, AB and BB.} \item{SNRMin}{'numeric' scalar defining the minimum SNR used to filter out samples.} \item{recallMin}{Minimum number of samples for recalibration. } \item{recallRegMin}{Minimum number of SNP's for regression.} \item{verbose}{ 'logical.' Whether to print descriptive messages during processing.} \item{returnParams}{'logical'. Return recalibrated parameters from crlmm.} \item{badSNP}{'numeric'. Threshold to flag as bad SNP (affects batchQC)} \item{gender}{ integer vector ( male = 1, female =2 ) or missing, with same length as filenames. If missing, the gender is predicted.} \item{DF}{'integer' with number of degrees of freedom to use with t-distribution.} \item{cdfName}{\code{character} string indicating which annotation package to load.} } \details{ The CRLMM genotype calls and confidence scores are written to file using \code{ff} protocols for I/O. For the most part, the calls and confidence scores can be accessed as though the data is in memory through the methods \code{snpCall} and \code{snpCallProbability}, respectively. The genotype calls are stored using an integer representation: 1 - AA, 2 - AB, 3 - BB. Similarly, the call probabilities are stored using an integer representation to reduce file size using the transformation 'round(-1000*log2(1-p))', where p is the probability. The function \code{i2P} can be used to convert the integers back to the scale of probabilities. } \value{ Logical. If the genotyping is completed, the value 'TRUE' is returned. Note that \code{assayData} elements 'call' and 'callProbability' are updated on disk. Therefore, the genotypes and confidence scores can be retrieved using accessors for the \code{CNSet} class. } \author{ R. Scharpf } \seealso{ \code{\link{crlmm}}, \code{\link{snpCall}}, \code{\link{snpCallProbability}}, \code{\link{annotationPackages}} } \examples{ ## See the 'illumina_copynumber' vignette in inst/scripts of ## the source package } \keyword{classif}