\name{calculateRBaf} \alias{calculateRBaf} \alias{calculateRBaf,CNSet-method} \title{Calculate log R ratios and B allele frequencies.} \description{Calculate log R ratios and B allele frequencies from a \code{CNSet} object} \usage{ calculateRBaf(object, batch.name) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A \code{CNSet} object.} \item{batch.name}{A character string. See details.} } \details{\code{batch.name} must be a value in \code{batch(object)}. Currently, one must specify a single \code{batch.name}. If a character vector for \code{batch.name} is supplied, only the first is evaluated. TODO: A description of how these values are calculated. } \value{ A list. \code{baf}: A matrix of B allele frequencies. \code{lrr}: A matrix of log R ratios. } \references{ Reference for BAFs, LRRs. } \author{Lynn Mireless} \examples{ data(cnSetExample) baf.lrr <- calculateRBaf(cnSetExample, "SHELF") hist(baf.lrr[["baf"]], breaks=100) hist(baf.lrr[["lrr"]], breaks=100) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{list} \keyword{methods}