\name{updateDf} \alias{updateDf} \title{ updates dataframe after fitting of main estimates } \description{ adds residuals (value-main effects) to a dataframe } \usage{ updateDf(df, lm, per=NULL) } \arguments{ \item{df}{ \code{df} dataframe created by cellHTS2df function } \item{lm}{ \code{lm} lm objects, residuals from fitting main effects to data } \item{per}{ \code{per} string argument, for which factor the analysis was done separetly, eg. replicate. } } \value{ data frame with a new column "residuals" } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \examples{ data(screen1_raw) df = cellHTS2df(screen1_raw,neutral="Fluc") df = weightDf(df,exclude=c("double","controlP1","controlP2","controlN1","controlN2","controlP1N1")) lmain =lmmain(df) df = updateDf(df,lmain) hist(df$residuals) }