\name{tt2matrix} \alias{tt2matrix} \title{ Extracting data from a toptable and format it to matrix } \description{ Given an dataframe with data, typically from the \code{interactiontable}, the gene pair data is converted to a symmetric matrix. } \usage{ tt2matrix(toptable, what) } \arguments{ \item{toptable}{ a dataframe with data for the pairwise interactions. Typically from the \code{interactiontable} function. } \item{what}{ character indicating which of the columns in the dataframe should be used in the matrix. } } \value{ a symmetric matrix with the selected data for gene pair i,j in matrix[i,j] and matrix[j,i] } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \examples{ ## simulated data mytoptable = data.frame("ID" = c("A B", "A C", "B C"),"size"=c(1:3),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) mat = tt2matrix(mytoptable,what="size") }