\name{key} \alias{key} \docType{data} \title{ A key to data set screen1, contains (additional) information about the genes in the screen. } \description{ Contains information about which of the 16 genes in screen1 are cell cycle related. This is used in interaction graphs/plots. } \usage{data(key)} \format{ A data frame with 16 observations on the following 2 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{GeneID}}{a factor with levels \code{AnnIX} \code{CG12785} \code{CG16935} \code{CG3165} \code{CG7889} \code{CG8108} \code{CSN3} \code{CSN4} \code{CSN5} \code{fwd} \code{pbl} \code{Rbf} \code{Rho1} \code{sos} \code{trbl} \code{zip}} \item{\code{cellCycle}}{a numeric vector} } } \examples{ data(key) table(key$cellCycle) } \keyword{datasets}