\name{df2fitmatrix} \alias{df2fitmatrix} \title{ matrix for lmFit from dataframe } \description{ converts a dataframe into the right format for lmFit function } \usage{ df2fitmatrix(df) } \arguments{ \item{df}{dataframe from cellHTS2df function} } \value{ A matrix with the genepairs as rows and the replicates as columns. This matrix is in the right format for the \code{lmFit}. } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ \code{\link{df2lmFit}} } \examples{ data(screen1_raw) df = cellHTS2df(screen1_raw,neutral="Fluc") df = weightDf(df) lmm = lmmain(df) df = updateDf(df,lmm) mfit = df2fitmatrix(df) head(mfit) }