\name{data2graph} \alias{data2graph} \title{ Function to create .dot files for graph representation of data } \description{ From a interaction table or list of data matrices a .dot file is created for visualisation of the interaction/correlation network } \usage{ data2graph(indata, sizethres=0, thres, thresBy = "P.Value", cols = c("blue", "white", "red"), gamma.col = 1, scaleFactor = 1, nodecolor = "white", writedot = FALSE, filename, width=0.1, penwidth=1, shape='circle', fixedsize=TRUE,fontsize=10) } \arguments{ \item{indata}{ } \item{sizethres}{ numerical, lower treshold on the absolute effect size for edges } \item{thres}{ threshold that should be used for interactions/correlations to be included in graph } \item{thresBy}{ what data should the the threshold by used at. By default the p value from the moderated t test is used but one could also use e.g. the ordinary t or the size } \item{cols}{ colors to be used in the plot, should be a character vector with the colors for low, neutral and hig values } \item{gamma.col}{ Factor used to scale the colors } \item{scaleFactor}{ Scale factor to adjust the distances beteen nodes in the graph } \item{nodecolor}{ character or character vector, which color(s) should the nodes have. Should either be of lenth 1 (all nodes same color) or same length as the number of nodes. } \item{writedot}{ logical, should a .dot file be created. } \item{filename}{ charcter string with name of .dot file } \item{width}{ width of the nodes } \item{penwidth}{ width of the lines in the plot } \item{shape}{ shape of the nodes in the plot } \item{fixedsize}{ should all nodes have the same size } \item{fontsize}{ size of the font in the plot } } \value{ a .dot file is written if writefile argument is TRUE \item{ninf}{Dataframe with information about the nodes in the network } \item{einfo}{Dataframe with information about the edges in the network} } \author{ Greg Pau, Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ Also see Graphviz documantation http://www.graphviz.org/ } \examples{#see vignette}