\name{cellHTS2df} \alias{cellHTS2df} \title{converts cellHTS objects to dataframes} \description{converts a cellHTS2 object into a data.frame object and check that all mandatory meta data is included. Adds Directions, replicates and Pair columns.} \usage{ cellHTS2df(x,neutral) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ a cellHTS object with correct annotations } \item{neutral}{ string stating which RNAi is neutral (negative control) } } \value{ data.frame, with the data from the cellHTS object in column "value". Meta data from annotation file and the new columns; Directions, Replicate and Pair } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ \code{\link[cellHTS2]{cellHTS}} } \examples{ data(screen1_raw) df = cellHTS2df(screen1_raw,neutral="Fluc") head(df) }