\name{Pplot} \alias{Pplot} \title{ Function to plot cumulative p-values } \description{ Given a vextor of p-values a cumulative p-value plot is produced } \usage{ Pplot(x, col = "darkblue", maintitle="", nrpoints = 100, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{ vector with p-values } \item{col}{ color to be used } \item{maintitle}{ character, main plot title } \item{nrpoints}{ numeric, how many points should be plotted } \item{\dots}{ additional arguments passed on to the plot } } \value{ a plot } \author{ Wolfgang Huber } \examples{ x = runif(1000,0,1) Pplot(x,col="red",maintitle="uniform dist.", nrpoints=200) }