\name{InteractLevelPlot} \alias{InteractLevelPlot} \title{ function to visualize interactions as a levelplot } \description{ visualizes significant interactions as a levelplot } \usage{ InteractLevelPlot(toptable, thresh = 0.001, by = "P.Value", key = FALSE, col.regions = colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "yellow")),zerolimit=0) } \arguments{ \item{toptable}{ \code{toptable} table from function topTable } \item{thresh}{ \code{thresh} numeric, threshold for significance } \item{by}{ \code{by} column in topTable that thresh should be applied to } \item{key}{ \code{key} optional, data frame with groupings of the genes in the toptable } \item{col.regions}{ \code{col.regions} colors to be used } \item{zerolimit}{ \code{zerolimit} threshold below which interactions should be colored as 0. } } \value{ a levelplot, pdf files with graphs } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ \code{\link{levelplot}} } \examples{ # similated data data(screen1_raw) df = cellHTS2df(screen1_raw,neutral="Fluc") tt = data.frame("ID"=(unique(df$Pair[df$Type=="comb"])),"size"=runif(length(unique(df$Pair[df$Type=="comb"])),-2,2),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) InteractLevelPlot(tt,thres=0,by="size") }