\name{InteractGraph} \alias{InteractGraph} \title{ functions to visualize interactions as a graph } \description{ visualizes significant interactions as a graph } \usage{ InteractGraph(toptable,thresh,sizecutoff=0,by,key=FALSE,file="interactions",colors = list(neg="blue",pos="yellow",key="brown",node="grey")) } \arguments{ \item{toptable}{ \code{toptable} table from function topTable } \item{thresh}{ \code{thresh} numeric, threshold for significance } \item{sizecutoff}{ \code{sizecutoff} a minimal absolute size of a interaction for it to be included in the graph as an edge. } \item{by}{ \code{by} column in topTable that thresh should be applied to } \item{key}{ \code{key} optional, data frame with groupings of the genes in the toptable } \item{file}{ \code{file} name of the file the results will be outputed to. } \item{colors}{ \code{colors} list with colors to be used for pos interactions, neg interactions, key (nodes in key) and normal nodes. } } \value{ pdf file with graph } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ \code{\link{levelplot}} } \examples{#see vignette }