\name{BoxPlotShorth} \alias{BoxPlotShorth} \title{ Boxplot with horizontal bars at the midpoint of the shorth } \description{ Produces a boxplot, but instead of horizontal bars at the median, the bars are at the midpoint of the shorth. } \usage{ BoxPlotShorth(formula, data = NULL, ...) } \arguments{ \item{formula}{ formula for how the boxplot should be drown. } \item{data}{ the data to be used } \item{\dots}{ other arguments to be passed to the plot function } } \value{ a boxplot object } \author{ Elin Axelsson } \seealso{ See Also \code{\link{boxplot.formula}} } \examples{ data(screen1_raw) df = cellHTS2df(screen1_raw,neutral= "Fluc") BoxPlotShorth(value~replicate,df) }