\name{permCOPA} \alias{permCOPA} \title{ Calculate PCOPA value for permuations} \description{ Run permutations by randomly shuffling the sample class labels and calculate a vector of PCOPA values for each permutation. } \usage{ permCOPA(exprslist, alpha=0.05, side, type, perms=100) } \arguments{ \item{exprslist}{Each element of \eqn{exprslist} is a list with the first element being \eqn{exprs} and the second element being \eqn{classlab}. Each row of \eqn{exprs} represents one gene and each column represents one sample. \eqn{classlab} is a zero-one vector indicating the status of samples. We use 0 for the baseline group, usually the normal group, and 1 for the comparison group, usually the tumor group.} \item{alpha}{Significance level for P-value.} \item{side}{ A vector specifying the definition of P-value in each of the study, which could be either \eqn{up}, \eqn{down}, or \eqn{twosided}.} \item{type}{ A vector specifying whether the outlier pattern is \eqn{subtype} or \eqn{uniform}.} \item{perms}{ Number of permutations to run.} } \value{ \item{permResult}{ A matrix where each row correspond to a gene and each column correspond to one permutation.} } \references{ Wei, Y., Hennessey, P., Gaykalova, D., Califano, J.A., Ochs, M.F., (2011) Cancer Outlier Gene Profile Sets Elucidate Pathways in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. } \author{ Michael Ochs } \examples{ #read in data data(Exon_exprs_matched) data(Methy_exprs_matched) data(CNV_exprs_matched) data(Exon_classlab_matched) data(Methy_classlab_matched) data(CNV_classlab_matched) head(Exon_exprs_matched) #exprslist[[i]]$exprs should be in matrix format Exon_exprs<-as.matrix(Exon_exprs_matched) Methy_exprs<-as.matrix(Methy_exprs_matched) CNV_exprs<-as.matrix(CNV_exprs_matched) #exprslist[[i]]$classlab should be in vector format Exon_classlab<-unlist(Exon_classlab_matched) Methy_classlab<-unlist(Methy_classlab_matched) CNV_classlab<-unlist(CNV_classlab_matched) #make an exprslist consisting 3 studies trylist<-list() trylist[[1]]<-list(exprs=Exon_exprs,classlab=Exon_classlab) trylist[[2]]<-list(exprs=Methy_exprs,classlab=Methy_classlab) trylist[[3]]<-list(exprs=CNV_exprs,classlab=CNV_classlab) #run 2 permutations perma7<-permCOPA(trylist,0.05,side=c("up","down","up"),type="subtype",perms=2) }