\name{readGVF} \alias{readGVF} \title{ Read CNVs from a .gvf file } \description{ Reads CNV data from a .gvf file. } \usage{ readGVF(filename) } \arguments{ \item{filename}{The name of a Genome Variation Format file.} } \value{ A data frame containing the CNVs. Each row contains the following columns for one CNV: \describe{ \item{\code{SampleID}}{ID assigned to the subject's DNA sample in which the CNV was found} \item{\code{Chr}}{Chromosome on which the CNV is located} \item{\code{Coord_i}}{Start position of the CNV on the chromosome} \item{\code{Coord_f}}{End position of the CNV on the chromosome} \item{\code{Type}}{CNV type (e.g. "DEL" or "DUP")} \item{\code{Genes}}{(empty string)} \item{\code{CnvID}}{ID assigned to the CNV} } N.B. that the \code{Genes} column is *not* assigned. Normally it should contain genes affected by the CNV -- stored in a delimited format inside a character string (e.g. "54777;255352;84435" for semicolon-delimited EntrezGene identifiers). To assign this column, use the getCnvGenes() function. The data frame can then be assigned to the \code{cnv} element of the \code{cnvData} list structure that comprises one of the slots in a \code{CnvGSAInput} object. } \references{ http://www.sequenceontology.org/resources/gvf.html } \author{Robert Ziman \email{rziman@gmail.com}} \examples{ library("cnvGSAdata") cnvFile <- system.file("extdata", "cnv.gvf", package="cnvGSAdata") cnv <- readGVF(cnvFile) }