\name{segment} \alias{segment} \title{Performs a fast segmentation algorithm based on the cyber t test and the t statistics.} \usage{ segment(x, alpha = 0.05, segMedianT = 0, minSeg = 3, eps = 0, delta = 20, maxInt = 40, squashing = 0, cyberWeight = 50, segPlot = TRUE, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Values to be segmented.} \item{alpha}{Real value between 0 and 1 is interpreted as the percentage of total points that are considered as initial breakpoints. An integer greater than 1 is interpreted as number of initial breakpoints. Default = 0.05.} \item{segMedianT}{Vector of length 2. Thresholds on the segment's median. Segments' medians above the first element are considered as gains and below the second value as losses.} \item{minSeg}{Minimum length of segments. Default = 3.} \item{eps}{Real value greater or equal zero. A breakpoint is only possible between to consecutive values of x that have a distance of at least "eps". Default = 0.} \item{delta}{Positive integer. A parameter to make the segmentation more efficient. If the statistics of a breakpoint lowers while extending the window, the algorithm extends the windows by "delta" more points until it stops. Default = 20.} \item{maxInt}{The maximum length of a segment left of the breakpoint and right of the breakpoint that is considered. Default = 40.} \item{squashing}{An experimental parameter that squashes the values "x" before segmentation. Should be left to zero, which means that squashing is not performed. Default = 0.} \item{cyberWeight}{The "nu" parameter of the cyber t-test. Default = 50.} \item{segPlot}{Logical indicating whether the result of the segmentation a algorithm should be plotted. Default = TRUE.} \item{...}{additional parameters passed to the plotting function.} } \value{ A data frame containing the segments. } \description{ Performs a fast segmentation algorithm based on the cyber t test and the t statistics. } \examples{ x <- rnorm(n=500,sd=0.5) x[150:200] <- rnorm(n=51,mean=3,sd=0.5) segment(x) } \author{ Guenter Klambauer \email{klambauer@bioinf.jku.at} }