\name{plot} \docType{methods} \alias{plot-methods} \alias{plot,CNVDetectionResult,missing-method} \title{Plots a CNVDetectionResult} \description{ Plots read counts, call values and CNV calls in an identified CNV region. } \usage{ \S4method{plot}{CNVDetectionResult,missing}(x, which,margin=c(10,10),toFile=FALSE) } \arguments{ \item{x}{An instance of "CNVDetectionResult"} \item{which}{The index of the CNV region to be plotted.} \item{margin}{Vector of two positive integers that states how many segments left and right of the CNV region should be included in the plot. Default = c(10,10).} \item{toFile}{Logical value whether the output should be plotted to a file. Default = FALSE.} } \value{ Generates a CNV calling plot. } \author{ Guenter Klambauer \email{klambauer@bioinf.jku.at} }