\name{localAssessments} \alias{localAssessments} \title{These generic function returns the local assessments, i.e. signed individual informative/non-informative calls, of a CNV detection method stored in an instance of \code{\link{CNVDetectionResult-class}}. For other CNV detection methods this can be (log-) ratios or z-scores.} \arguments{ \item{object}{An instance of "CNVDetectionResult"} } \value{ \code{localAssessments} returns a "GRanges" object containing the local assessments. } \description{ These generic function returns the local assessments, i.e. signed individual informative/non-informative calls, of a CNV detection method stored in an instance of \code{\link{CNVDetectionResult-class}}. For other CNV detection methods this can be (log-) ratios or z-scores. } \examples{ data(cn.mops) r <- cn.mops(X[1:100,1:5]) localAssessments(r) } \author{ Guenter Klambauer \email{klambauer@bioinf.jku.at} }