\name{ztwo} \alias{ztwo} \title{ A function to compute Z values when there are no covariates other than the cancer class } \description{ This function computes the effects of covariates (Z values) needed when designing a study in simple cases where the only covariate available is the cancer class. The Z values computed may, however, be used in more complex setups, when additional covariates are expected. } \usage{ ztwo(x, y) } \arguments{ \item{x}{expected proportion of cases } \item{y}{ expected proportion of controls } } \value{ produces the Z value } \references{ Nyangoma SO, Ferreira JA, Collins SI, Altman DG, Johnson PJ, and Billingham LJ: Sample size calculations for planning clinical proteomic profiling studies using mass spectrometry. (Working paper) } \author{ Stephen Nyangoma } \seealso{ function ZvaluescasesVcontrolsPlots } \examples{ x=1/3;y=1-x ztwo(x,y) } \keyword{ confounders } \keyword{ Z values }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line