\name{spectrumFilter} \alias{spectrumFilter} \title{A function to filter out samples with conflicting pair-wise compound information} \description{ This function filters out samples whose spectra have poor pairwise correlations. These samples give conflicting TIC information. } \usage{ spectrumFilter(Data,threshold,no.peaks) } \arguments{ \item{Data}{ a data frame of duplicate peak data, in the format of "raw .csv" data from the Biomarker wizard. The original data frame to have the following columns: \code{SampleTag}, \code{CancerType}, \code{Spectrum.}, \code{Peak}. \code{Intensity} and \code{Substance.Mass}. } \item{threshold}{indicates the threshold for rejecting samples whose spectra contain conflicting signal information. } \item{no.peaks}{the number of peaks.} } \value{ A data frame with two columns: the first contains the IDs of the samples meeting the threshold and the second contains the corresponding correlations (i.e. similarities in peak information across spectra). } \references{ Ward DG, Nyangoma S, Joy H, Hamilton E, Wei W, Tselepis C, Steven N, Wakelam MJ, Johnson PJ, Ismail T, Martin A: Proteomic profiling of urine for the detection of colon cancer. Proteome Sci. 2008, 16(6):19} \author{Stephen Nyangoma} \examples{ ####################################################### ####################################################### data(liverRawData) # raw version of liverdata ############################################################################################ ############################################################################################ # These samples pre-processed to: # (i) discard the information on samples which have no replicate data, and # (ii) for samples with more than 2 replicate expression data, only duplicates with most # similar peak information are retained for use in subsequent analyses. # A wrapper function for executing these two pre-processing steps is preProcRepeatedPeakData ############################################################################################# ############################################################################################# threshold <- 0.80 no.replicates <- 2 no.peaks <- 53 Data <- preProcRepeatedPeakData(liverRawData, no.peaks, no.replicates, threshold) head(spectrumFilter(Data,threshold,no.peaks)) }