\name{sample_technicalVariance} \alias{sample_technicalVariance} \alias{withinsampleVariance} \title{A generic function for computing the technical variance} \description{ This generic function computes the within-sample (technical) variance. It fits a simple regression model for repeated measures using the \code{mixedModel2} function in the \code{statmod} package. The technical variance is the block component of the \code{varcomp} output. } \usage{ sample_technicalVariance(Data, \dots) } \arguments{ \item{Data}{An object of \code{aclinicalProteomicsData} class. } \item{\dots}{Some methods for this generic function may take additional, optional arguments. At present none do.} } \value{ It returns a vector of the within-sample variances, one for each peak. } \author{Stephen Nyangoma } \examples{ #arrange the data in a form that can be averaged by limma function dupcor # use the function called limmaData data(liverdata) data(liver_pheno) OBJECT=new("aclinicalProteomicsData") OBJECT@rawSELDIdata=as.matrix(liverdata) OBJECT@covariates=c("tumor" , "sex") OBJECT@phenotypicData=as.matrix(liver_pheno) OBJECT@variableClass=c('numeric','factor','factor') OBJECT@no.peaks=53 sample_technicalVariance(OBJECT) }