\name{sampleClusterdData} \alias{sampleClusteredData} \title{ A function to arrange the data in sample-wise pairs} \description{ This function arranges the duplicate data, grouped by samples, in a form which can be averaged using the \code{limma} function \code{avedups}.} \details{ The output is a dataframe of repeated sample expression values, clustered by samples. This data is used as an input to the \code{betweensampleVariance} function, and is then averaged and used to compute the biological variance as well as the mean difference in the expression values between cancer and noncancer controls. } \usage{ sampleClusteredData(Data, no.peaks) } \arguments{ \item{Data}{ A data frame of duplicate data from the biomarker wizard.} \item{no.peaks}{The number of peaks detected by the biomarker wizard.} } \value{ The output is a dataframe of repeated sample expression values, clustered by samples. } \author{ Stephen Nyangoma } \examples{ # arrange the data in a form which can be averaged by the limma function dupcor # use the function called limmaData data(liverdata) no.peaks <- 53 Data <- liverdata JUNK_DATA <- sampleClusteredData(Data,no.peaks) }