\name{proteomicsExprsData} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{proteomicsExprsData} \title{ A generic fuction to extract duplicate SELDI data from an object of aclinicalProteomicsData class in the same format as the data from Biomarkers wizard } \description{ This generic function extracts a matrix of duplicate SELDI data from an object of aclinicalProteomicsData class. It then converts it into a dataframe which is in the same format as the data from Biomarkers wizard. In this dataframe, the intensities and the subject mass-to-charge ratio are represented as numeric variables, while the sample-tag is represented as a character variable. } \usage{ proteomicsExprsData(Data, ...) } \arguments{ \item{Data}{ is an object of a \code{aclinicalProteomicsData} class. } \item{\dots}{ means other defined arguments. Currently, we have not defined additional arguments. } } \value{ A dataframe of expression values, the substance mass, patient labels, and any other defined sample information. } \author{ S Nyangoma } \examples{ data(liverdata) data(liver_pheno) OBJECT=new("aclinicalProteomicsData") OBJECT@rawSELDIdata=as.matrix(liverdata) OBJECT@covariates=c("tumor" , "sex") OBJECT@phenotypicData=as.matrix(liver_pheno) OBJECT@variableClass=c('numeric','factor','factor') OBJECT@no.peaks=53 head(proteomicsExprsData(OBJECT)) }