\name{negativeIntensitiesCorrection} \Rdversion{1.1} \alias{negativeIntensitiesCorrection} \title{A function to correct the data for the negative intensities caused by the normalization and background correction procedures of mass spectrometry data } \description{ This function corrects the mass spectra data, which has been pre-processed using tools tools from the Biomarkers Wizard \code{PROcess} softwares, for the negative intensities caused by their normalization and background correction procedures. } \usage{ negativeIntensitiesCorrection(Data) } \arguments{ \item{Data}{ is a dataframe , or a matrix, or a vector, of numerical values.} } \value{ A dataframe , or a matrix, or a vector (whichever is the input quantity), of nonnegative numerical values. } \author{ Stephen Nyangoma } \examples{ data(liverdata) no.peaks <- 53 JUNK_DATA <- sampleClusteredData(liverdata,no.peaks) Data=JUNK_DATA Data=JUNK_DATA Data=Data+1 temp=negativeIntensitiesCorrection(Data) temp[,1] Data[,1] }