\name{liver_pheno} \alias{liver_pheno} \docType{data} \title{A dataframe of phenotypic information} \description{ A dataframe containing the sample phenotypic information. } \usage{data(liver_pheno)} \format{ A data frame with 131 observations on the following 3 variables. \describe{ \item{\code{SampleTag}}{a character/numeric vector of sample ID.} \item{\code{tumor}}{a factor, with levels \code{c} and \code{n}, describing the class of the samples.} \item{\code{sex}}{a factor, with levels \code{F} and \code{M,} describing the gender of the persons from which the sample has been taken.} } } \source{ Ward DG, Cheng Y, N'Kontchou G, Thar TT, Barget N, Wei W, Billingham LJ, Martin A, Beaugrand M, Johnson PJ: Changes in the serum proteome associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C-related cirrhosis. Br J Cancer. 2006, 94(2):287-92. } \references{ Ward DG, Cheng Y, N'Kontchou G, Thar TT, Barget N, Wei W, Billingham LJ, Martin A, Beaugrand M, Johnson PJ: Changes in the serum proteome associated with the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in hepatitis C-related cirrhosis. Br J Cancer. 2006, 94(2):287-92. } \examples{ data(liver_pheno) }