\name{f} \alias{f} \title{ A function to compute adjustments for the effct of covariates (Z values) for an experiment with a binary exposure and a binary confounder } \description{ A function to compute the Z values when planning an experiment with a binary exposure and a binary confounder. You input the probabilities of 3-cells of the resulting multinomial distribution. } \usage{ f(x, y, z) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Proportion of elements in cell 1 of a multinomial population with four cells. } \item{y}{ Proportion of elements in cell 2 of a multinomial population with four cells. } \item{z}{ Proportion of elements in cell 1 of a multinomial population with four cells. The z here is different from the Z which contains information on the effect of covariates and data imbalance on sample size. } } \value{ It returns a single real number (greater than or equal 2), representing Z. } \references{ Nyangoma SO, Ferreira JA, Collins SI, Altman DG, Johnson PJ, and Billingham LJ: Sample size calculations for planning clinical proteomic profiling studies using mass spectrometry. (Working paper) } \author{ Stephen Nyangoma } \seealso{ The function ZvaluesformultinomialPlots } \examples{ # for a 1:1:1:1 experiment x=.25;y=.25;z=.25 # compute Z Z=f(x,y,z) Z ## The function is currently defined as function (x,y,z) { Z=(1-x-z)*(x+y)/(2*(((1-x-z)*(1-x-y)*(1-y-z))-(1-x-y-z)^2)) Z } }