\name{ld.snp} \alias{ld.snp} %- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here. \title{ Function to calculate pairwise D', $r^2$} \description{ \code{ld.snp} takes an object of \code{snp.matrix} class and suitable range and depth and calculation the pairwise D', $r^2$, LOD and return the result as a \code{\link[=snp.dprime-class]{snp.dprime}} object. } \usage{ ld.snp(snpdata, depth = 100, start = 1, end = dim(snpdata)[2], signed.r=FALSE) } %- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here. \arguments{ \item{snpdata}{An object of \code{snp.matrix} class with M samples of N snps} \item{depth}{The depth or lag of pair-wise calculation. Should be between 1 and N-1; default 100. Using 0 (an invalid value) is the same as picking the maximum} \item{start}{The index of the start of the range of interest. Should be between 1 and (N-1); default 1} \item{end}{The index of the end of the range of interest. Should be between 2 and N. default N.} \item{signed.r}{Boolean for whether to returned signed $r$ values instead of $r^2$} } \details{ The cubic equation and quadratic equation solver code is borrowed from GSL (GNU Scientific Library). } \value{ return a \code{\link[=snp.dprime-class]{snp.dprime}} object, which is a list of 3 named matrices \code{dprime}, \code{rsq2} (or \code{r} depending on the input), \code{lod}, and an attribute \code{snp.names} for the list of snps involved. (Note that if $x$ snps are involved, the row numbers of the 3 matrices are $(x-1)$). Only one of \code{rsq2} or \code{r} is present. \item{dprime}{D'} \item{rsq2}{$r^2$} \item{r}{signed $r$} \item{lod}{Log of Odd's} All the matrices are defined such that the ($n, m$)th entry is the pair-wise value between the ($n$)th snp and the $(n+m)$th snp. Hence the lower right triangles are always filled with zeros. (See example section for the actual layout) Invalid values are represented by an out-of-range value - currently we use -1 for D', $r^2$ (both of which are between 0 and 1), and -2 for $r$ (valid values are between -1 and +1). lod is set to zero in most of these invalid cases. (lod can be any value so it is not indicative). } \references{ Clayton, D.G. and Leung, Hin-Tak (2007) An R package for analysis of whole-genome association studies. \emph{Human Heredity} \bold{64}:45-51.\cr GSL (GNU Scientific Library) \url{http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/} } \author{Hin-Tak Leung \email{htl10@users.sourceforge.net}} \note{ The output \code{\link[=snp.dprime-class]{snp.dprime}} object is suitable for input to \code{\link{plot.snp.dprime}} for drawing. The speed of ``ld.snp'' LD calculation, on a single-processor opteron 2.2GHz box: unsigned $r^2$, 13191 snps, depth 100 = 36.4 s (~ 1.3 mil pairs) signed r , 13191 snps, depth 100 = 40.94s (~ 1.3 mil pairs) signed r , 13191 snps, depth 1500 = 582s (~ 18.5 mil pairs) For depth=1500, it uses 500MB just for the three matrices. So I actually cannot do the full depth at ~13,000; full depth should be under 50 minutes for 87 mil pairs, even in the signed-r version. The LD code can be ran outside of R - mainly for debugging: \preformatted{ gcc -DWITHOUT_R -o /tmp/hello pairwise_linkage.c solve_cubic.c \ solve_quadratic.c -lm } When used in this form, it takes 9 numbers: \preformatted{ $/tmp/hello 4 0 0 0 30 0 0 0 23 case 3 <- internal code for which cases it falls in root count 1 <- how many roots trying 1.000000 p = 1.000000 4 0 0 6.333333 0.000000 0.000000 0 30 0 0.000000 25.333333 0.000000 0 0 23 0.000000 0.000000 25.333333 57 8 38.000000 38 38 8 0 0 46 30, 38 38 76 76 0.333333 0.000000 0.000000 0.666667 d' = 1.000000 , r2 = 1.000000, lod= 22.482643 } } \seealso{\code{\link{snp.dprime-class}}, \code{\link{plot.snp.dprime}}, \code{\link{ld.with}}} \examples{ # LD stats between 500 SNPs at a depth of 50 data(testdata) ldinfo <- ld.snp(Autosomes, start=1, end=500, depth=50) } \keyword{dplot} \keyword{htest} \keyword{models}